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It is great to have a job doing something you love.  Making web pages, graphics, and animations is something that I can never get bored of.  This summer, I also had the pleasure of learning a lot about the history of downtown Hamilton, which is far more interesting than I could imagine.  Here are some thank yous to the people I worked with. 

First of all I would like to thank Katie, Julie, and Norm who were working with me on this project.  Our jokes and understanding of each other made this project a lot of fun.  I also would like to thank Margaret, Maria, Brian, Debbie, Stuart, Charlene, Abbie, Muriel and all the other staff of Special Collections.  Special thank you to Kit Darling who is the reason I got involved in library projects in 1998.  Also thank you to Beth Robinson, Karen(we miss you here), and Mrs. Hopkins. 

And of course, thank you to SchoolNet for another great project and hope that more projects will be completed by you with much success.   

Anastasia Botchkarev

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