Hazelton District Public
Janet Willson, Librarian
Ruth Cooper, Assistant Librarian & contributing
Heidi Fassnidge, Library Assistant
Andy MacKinnon
A great deal of thanks to Andy for granting us permission to use text from the book
"Plants of Northern British Columbia" and for facilitating contact with
contributing photographers for use of their photos from the same book.
Beverley Anderson and Laurette Lapalme
Thanks to Beverley and Laurette for their ethnobotanical expertise and helping us proof
our content.
Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs Office
Thanks to the Gitxsan Hereditary Chiefs Office for use of the Gitxsan and
Wet'suwet'en territory map located on our introduction page..
Contributing photographers:
Thank you to Jim Pojar, Frank Boas, Blake Dickens, Anna Roberts, Katherine Enns, Blaine
Robert Norton, Cliff Wallace, Jim Woollett, Cleve Wershler, M. Naga, E.J. Underhill, Ray
and Adolf Ceska for use of their plant photos.
Ethnobotany of the Gitksan Indians of British Columbia. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1997.
Gathering What the Great Nature Provided. Vancouver, British Columbia: Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., 1980.
Plants of Northern British Columbia. Edmonton, Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing, 1992.
Plants That We Use: Traditional Plant Uses of the Wet'suwet'en People. Kitwanga, British Columbia: Peregrine Consulting, 1990.
The Spirit in the Land. Gabriola, British Columbia: Reflections, 1989.