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Spirituality in the workplace recognizes your talents and the talents of co-workers. It shows respect and appreciation to all you meet, and it offers the opportunity to show your talents to others. In many ways, spirituality in the workplace gives you greater access to your talents, and teaches you to express them through your creativity and your attitude.

You experience spirituality every day through your expressions towards co-workers, i.e. a warm and sincere greeting in the morning. We all join in spirituality when we offer sincerity and we all feel good when we receive positive affirmations and appreciation of our work. Spirituality is expressed in many ways, and while they may be different for everyone all should be expressed with respect and consideration. Spirituality lets you bring your "whole" self to work, and it will change the way you share your abilities with each valued and honored co-worker. Bringing spirituality into the workplace invites management and co-workers to become equal team players in reaching the company's goals.


We are often caught up in tasks and deadlines, and attention is more often than not focused on performance and projects. Rarely do you see the people involved in a project, as the determination of success is how well we meet deadlines. Today do something different; take time to talk to co-workers about something other than work. Get to know them; ask them how their weekends were. Be open-minded and listen to what they have to say. You will learn interesting information and start to build a bond that may carry over from co-workers to customers.

Creating A Caring And Cooperative Workplace

Using a spiritually based concept of management, you will notice:

- increased performance/productivity;

- decreased absenteeism and on-the-job injuries;

- more enthusiasm in performing tasks; and,

- improved employee morale.

Spirituality in the workplace also promotes:

- improvements in interpersonal relations;

- sharing of work responsibilities/resources; and,

- recognition for each person and their contributions.

Remember to have fun!



The results are a win/win environment for everyone involved. Employees will perform better for employers who are interested in the employees' well being. This will make the company's morale alive, productive, successful and positively energetic.

By expressing your creativity, you will feel a greater connection with employees, as well being as more satisfied with work. When your employer, supervisor, or manager considers using spirit-based management, encourage it. It is an opportunity for everyone to grow and to succeed. When it comes to making mistakes, admit to them; use them as a lesson you can learn from so that you can move on to the steps to success. Under the use of spirit-based management, errors can indicate what doesn't work. They let you know what needs adjustment and attention. Analyze your mistakes, understand what you did wrong and learn from them. Let them become opportunities for growth and improvement.

It is recognized that each person has his or her own beliefs. Your beliefs are sacred and private. Spirituality has no religious bounds; it is the way to express humanity.

There are seven principles for a company to follow to become successful: creativity, communication, respect, partnership, flexibility, energy, and vision.


It is the use of laughter, color, and freedom that enhances productivity. When people enjoy what they do, they will work harder. Creativity is fun, so go ahead and enjoy it. It makes people see things differently and lets them break old habits and move past outdated beliefs to find new ways of thinking, doing and being.


Communication is important! This is the drive that allows people to work together. Many companies are working to overcome patterns of learned behavior by replacing them with effective communication and teamwork programs.


Respecting yourself and others is also important. Through respect it is easier to learn how to work as a team.


Partnerships encourage both men and women to work together without each overruling or dominating the other. In this way it will be possible to have honest disagreements without hostility.


Visions are merely seeing the unseen, or seeing what others cannot see. Others learn to broaden their perspectives by reaching beyond one's self and following a dream.


Flexibility allows one's belief and habits to change. As the world changes rapidly around us, we need to find a way to adapt ourselves to the changes. By doing this we can learn about our strengths and weaknesses, which will not only benefit us but will allow others to help with our weaknesses.


Positive energy gives people the freedom to express their opinions and to still show respect for neighbors and friends. You contribute to positive energy by using creativity, respecting others, and communicating well. Negative energy creates a hostile work environment, and contributing to negative energy will result in your withholding your talents, lack of respect, tension, and dislike of your job.



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