G.E. Barbour Company, Limited

G.E. Barbour Company, Limited has been an active participant in the Maritime food markets since 1867. Founded by the Barbour Bros. and operating under that name until the turn of the century, the company bought and sold tea, coffee, spices and countless other products from the wharves at Market Slip in Saint John, New Brunswick.

In the early 1900's, George E. Barbour incorporated the firm under his own name. For fifty years he guided the company through the lean and fat times. In the early fifties, G.E., as he was affectionately known, relinquished control of the company to Ralph Brenan. By this time Barbour's had become a major regional wholesaler and food processing company, selling King Cole Tea and Coffee, Barbour Spices, extracts and peanut products in Atlantic Canada and Quebec.

On January 1, 1960, Ralph Brenan, Jr., an engineer, joined the G.E. Barbour Company, Limited, where he learned the intricacies of the food industry from his father. His eye for detail, natural abilities with people, and business acumen soon led to his becoming an invaluable part of the Barbour team. In 1965, he was made Vice President and in 1971, President. Later he became Chairman of the Board.

Ralph Brenan, Jr., Chairman of the Board, G.E. Barbour Company, Limited

While it would be easy to dismiss a son's rise in a family owned business, the respect and recognition by the Canadian business community today is evidence of more. His extracurricular activities have resulted in his heading, among others, the Canadian Manufacturers Association and The Canadian Tea Council in the 1980's.

Most of all, Ralph Brenan has always had particularly strong dedication to the G.E. Barbour Company, Limited. Due to his efforts, the products traditionally offered by Barbours today maintain the high standards set generations before. King Cole Tea stands virtually alone as the last remaining high quality brand available. Today, a new generation strives to expand into new product lines, meeting the quality standards established by Ralph Brenan.

From his father, Ralph learned that the responsibilities of managing a family operated company went far beyond providing a weekly pay package in the community. He has taught his own children to consider the consequences of their actions within the business and to consider the future of the company as it pertains to the community and region. Within these parameters, 1985 saw the company expand into the retail food market with the purchase of the New Brunswick Dominion Store chain. In addition, New Brunswick wholesale operations were also purchased and consolidated with Barbour Wholesalers and the retail operations under the umbrella of The Food Group Inc. For the first time since the Brenan family became involved, the manufacturing operation stands separately.

In all of his dealings, Ralph has been known and respected for his integrity and directness. In today's world of written contracts, his word has remained his bond. His involvement and concern for the welfare of past employees and associates remains real and has become a benchmark against which the next generation must measure itself.