OEB International Inc.

One of the oldest and largest public relations and public affairs firms in Canada, OEB International Inc. has left a significant mark on the science of communication, and its professional application.

Communication has progressed a long way from smoke signals and rude graphics on cave walls, particularly in this century which has become the age of instant communication.

Business, governments, and individuals must communicate skillfully and effectively, often for survival. Employees, shareholders, politicians, government staff and similarly other "publics" all require specific information serving their particular needs.

OEB International, formally organized in 1946, has roots dating back to 1936, when its founders began a client relationship with a major newsprint producer now known as Quebec and Ontario Paper Company Ltd. setting a record for uninterrupted public relations consultancy service in Canada.

Reorganized in 1986 under the ownership/ management of Eric Cunningham, a University of Western Ontario graduate with a background in government (nine years in the Ontario Legislature), advertising, public relations and transportation communication, Ontario Editorial Bureau became OEB International Inc. two years later. Pursuing Cunningham's employee ownership policy, OEB now has 10 employee shareholders with more being added. Besides Eric Cunningham and Lou Cahill, company founder, OEB directors include Robert Welch, former Ontario Deputy Premier; James Carr, Senior Vice President, and former public relations director for the Bank of Nova Scotia and business editor of The Hamilton Spectator; Brian Leyden, Executive Vice President and Treasurer, an accountant who recently served as president of the St. Catharines & District Chamber of Commerce. John Grimshaw recently retired as OEB chairman after serving the company for 36 years. Corporate Secretary is Lorraine Himes with 32 years' service.

Today OEB has offices in Toronto, St. Catharines and Hamilton, operated by 23 consultants and support staff with billings close to $3 million. In addition, OEB is a partner with WTM International, a Kitchener/Waterloo public relations firm established in 1988.

Teamed with Leonard L. Knott, Philippe Hurteau, and "Mr. Canada" John Fisher, Lou Cahill founded Inside Canada National Public Relations Group in 1951-Canada's first national PR organization. Now known as IPR Canada, the firm has eight partner firms operating 13 offices across Canada. OEB is also a shareholder in the International Public Relations Group of Companies with 101 offices worldwide.

In 1986, OEB International received the Canadian Public Relations Society's Award of Excellence for outstanding professional contribution in the field of external communications. 

1. Louis J. Cahill, APR, Director & Ontario Editorial Bureau founder. 2. Officers and directors of Ontario Editorial Bureau Join Ontario Paper Company President, John Houghton, in presentation ceremony. Left to right: Robert Welch, director; John Grimshaw, chairman; Eric G. Cunningham, president and chief executive officer; Mr. Houghton; Louis J. Cahill, APR, director and Bureau founder; Brian Leyden, APR, executive vice-president and treasurer; and James W Carr, APR, vicepresident and senior consultant.