The Seagram Company Ltd.

Executive Offices of The Seagram Company Ltd. in MontreaLThe Seagram Company Ltd. is one of the world's leading producers and marketers of distilled spirits and wines. Seagram's position as a major multi-national corporation with annual sales of more than $3 billion and assets of more than $6 billion is a reflection of the vision and dedication of Samuel Bronfman. The company can trace its roots to May 20, 1924, when Mr. Bronfman began construction of his first distillery at Ville LaSalle, a Montreal suburb. It can trace its name to March 2, 1928, when Mr. Bronfman purchased Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Ltd., a small family distillery in Waterloo, Ontario, and formed Distillers Corporation-Seagram Ltd. It can trace its success to faithful adherence to the quality and service promised by the three words on the corporate crest: "Integrity. Craftsmanship. Tradition." Expansion began when Mr. Bronfman acquired his first plant in the United States following Prohibition. The new Seagram brands rapidly became best-sellers.

After the company undertook its first significant overseas involvement in the mid1930s, growth slowed during World War II before picking up again. Dramatic expansion abroad and ventures into the oil and gas business marked the next three decades. In 1965, Seagram became the first Canadian manufacturer and the first distiller anywhere to record net annual sales of $1 billion; in 1968, assets also reached that figure. In 1975, the name was changed to The Seagram Company Ltd. to reflect expansion and diversification far beyond its traditional base. In 1980, Seagram sold its oil and gas assets in the U.S. and redeployed the proceeds into the largest single holding—22.7 per cent—in E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, a diverse chemical, energy and specialty products company with a strong tradition of discovery. It is one of the largest and most respected corporations in the world.

Hand in hand with business success for Seagram has gone corporate responsibility The company's commitment always has been to function as a caring employer and involved citizen of the communities in which it operates. Following the lead of its founder, the company remains a leading patron of health, welfare, education, science, sports and civic, cultural and charitable causes. It has been a generous supporter of research into alcohol and its effects; since 1934, an award-winning advertising campaign has promoted moderation and responsible consumer behaviour.

Samuel Bronfman died in Montreal in 1971 at the age of 80. His sons, Edgar and Charles, now serve as chairman and co-chairman, respectively. They lead a dynamic company, consistent in its principles but changing imaginatively in response to challenges and opportunities. Incorporated in Canada, The Seagram Company Ltd. maintains its head office in Waterloo, Ontario and executive offices in Montreal and New York.