Vestcap Investment Management Inc.
The Right Time, the Right Place....

Vestcap was incorporated in May 1988 to provide highly personalized and attentive investment management services to individuals, trusts, and estates. It was originally founded to answer a need, namely to establish an investment counselling firm for a small group whose members had attained financial self sufficiency. Since then the company has grown by 2,400 percent, and continues to attract the attention of many others who appre-ciate the philosophy, style, and care Vestcap has to offer.

1. Roger S. Glassco, Vice President. 2. A.R. Deane Nesbitt, Member of the Board. 3. M. Nugent Schneider, President. [Photographs, coutresy, Peter Caton]

The key “Vestcap Difference” is its experience in global asset structuring, its real emphasis on personal contact, a completely personalized portfolio approach, and its consistently reliable performance results.

Starting with a macro view of world economics, Vestcap next analyzes business trends, then North American conditions, finally making its sectoral selection in order to arrive at a cohesive list of securities suitable for its customized portfolios. To minimize risk and to produce returns in excess of risk-free alternatives, a balanced portfolio discipline is employed on a priority basis. Continual monitoring of economic and business forecasts allows the Vestcap team to adjust its asset allocation as conditions warrant. Vestcap’s preoccupation is the search for value-oriented securities.

1. Albert E. Matthews, Jr., Member of the Board 2. Leo S. Frank, Vice President [Photographs, courtesy, Peter Caton]

One hundred percent owned by its five principals, totally independent of all other financial institutions, this investment counselling firm makes investment decisions without bias. Its portfolio managers use a team approach that combines over one hundred years of experience in portfolio management with the discipline that flows from a team’s decision-making process. This group of multi-talented individuals, with backgrounds in economics, political science, engineering, communications and law, is dedicated to maintaining Vestcap’s ideal. The professional managers have spent all of their careers in the industry.

To provide intelligent investment counsel to clients, to preserve and enhance their capital and to increase their purchasing power is the mission of Vestcap.