Philip Environmental Inc.

Philip Environmental Inc. is a fully integrated by-product management and environmental services company based in Hamilton, Ontario, with operations throughout Canada and the United States. The company has achieved rapid growth in recent years through a number of acquisitions in Canada and the U.S. Philip is Canada’s largest recycler of commercial and industrial waste, and one of North America’s leading integrated environmental service companies.

Philip is a “made in Canada” success story. The company was founded by two brothers, Allen and Philip Fracassi in the early 1980s with a vision of treating one industry’s waste as another industry’s raw material. Under their continuing leadership, the corporate objective is to maximize the use and value of industrial waste streams through mid-processing and reuse of recycled materials in industrial applications. Some examples include recycling of foundry sands and iron-bearing wastes from the steel industry and waste lime from sugar refining for use as raw material in the cement industry. Ongoing research and development continues to support maximizing diversion of waste from landfills through the development of new technologies and markets for recycled products. The company is organized under four “Pillars” of operation including Solid Waste, Chemical Waste, Resource Recovery, and Environmental Services.

Solid Waste includes industrial, commercial, and municipal recycling and disposal. Chemical Waste includes processing and recycling involving alternative fuel programs for waste oils and solvents and chemical and physical treatment for chemical wastes and industrial wastewater. Resource Recovery includes recycling of solid and liquid metal bearing wastes for reclamation of copper, brass, tin, aluminum ferrous metals and plastics. Environmental Services include a full range of environmental and technical recycling services including site and waste auditing, lab services, site remediation, risk assessments, emergency response, groundwater and hydrogeo- logical studies and geo-technical engineering. Philip operates the larg-est emergency response network in Canada.

Allen Fracassi, President and Chief Executive Officer and (r) Philip Fracassi, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. In the background, Philip Metal Recovery Industries, the only detinning operation in Canada and a leading producer of post consumer cans.

Through Philip Utilities Management Corporation, the company provides research, development and operational capabilities in municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment.  Philip operations are governed by the company’s environ-mental policy, seeking to maximize diversion of waste from landfill, minimize environmental impact of operations and establishing community involvement in areas where Philip has operations. The company undergoes regular internal and external environmental audits and an annual external environmental audit to ensure strict adherence to the highest environmental standards. Philip has an excellent environmental “track record” for which the company has won numerous citations and awards.