Burroughs Wellcome Inc.
Proud of the Past: Committed to the Future

Over a century ago, two young American pharmacy graduates established in England a company whose aim was to discover and market new medicines to promote human health and improve the quality of life.

Today, the global British-based company, Wellcome PLC., is represented in Canada by Burroughs Wellcome Inc., which bears the names of the founders — Silas Burroughs and Henry Wellcome. Burroughs Wellcome Inc. is located in Kirkland, Quebec, a suburb of Montreal. Since its inception in 1906 the company has grown to be both a major competitor and leading producer of pharmaceuticals in the Canadian marketplace.

The company’s founders chose the unicorn as its corporate symbol for good reason. Although mythical, it is inextricably linked to the power to heal and cure. These ideals are maintained in the Wellcome world, and notably in Burroughs Wellcome Inc., through innovative research, a strong sense of community support, and provision to the future through education.  Wellcome is well known for its research heritage. Significant lifesaving breakthrough drugs were discovered in the areas of leukemia, bacterial, and viral infections, and malaria. In fact, the early transplantation of kidneys was made possible by IMURAN*Pr (azathioprine), an invention of Wellcome’s scientists.

Recent Wellcome discoveries have been in the treatment of herpesvirus infections ZOVIRAX*Pr (acyclovir) which include illnesses such as genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles. It also pioneered the first drug RETROVIR*Pr (zidovudine) to slow the progression of the AIDS virus. The company is also known for its development of the first marketed lung surfactant EXOSURF NEONATAL*Pr (colfosceril palmitate) used in neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.  Additionally, Wellcome has a strong commitment to anaesthesia, having produced a heritage of surgical muscle relaxants including the development of curare-like compounds.

1. State of The Art manufacturing facilities. 2. Focused communications sets the pace for the Burroughs Wellcome team.

Subsequent newer compounds TRACRIUM*Pr ( atracurium besylate) and NUROMAX*Pr (doxacurium chloride), discovered over the years have made significant contributions to anaesthesia and have led to Wellcome’s dominant role in this field. Wellcome’s discoveries have been significant. In the very few times the Nobel Prize for Medicine has been awarded to pharmaceutical researchers, no less than five have gone to researchers associated with Wellcome. These included laureates, Drs. George Hitchings and Gertrude Ellon whose pioneering work paved the way for advances in modern cancer therapy.

Wellcome research will be directed towards improved therapies in lung and breast cancers, epilepsy, and stroke. Moreover, the Canadian company will strive to be a key generator of clinical research data to support new drug entities for worldwide markets. The company believes medical care cannot remain isolated from social and educational issues. It must work closely with both health providers and the people affected by disease through programs which support them.

An example of this commitment is Positive Action, an international commitment to education and care issues in HIV/AIDS. In this regard, Burroughs Wellcome Inc. has supported grants for AIDS walks to raise money for AIDS service organizations, as well as provide them with information services. The company also supports educational materials for consumer groups.

Burroughs Wellcome Inc. continues its commitment to the training of future health professionals through providing grants and bursaries. Such is Burroughs Wellcome Inc. Proud of its past. Committed to its future.