Intregral Consulting Inc.
A Full Service EDI Consulting Firm

As the world marketplace becomes more  accessible, problems of language become major obstacles between trading partners. Computer technology, one of the major components facilitating the everyday business transactions between corporate trading partners, can suffer many difficulties in translation. This is where Integral Consulting Inc. plays a vital role. Established in 1986, Integral Consulting Inc. has an unfailing commitment to understand the needs of the IBM mid-range market place and to provide superior products, services, and knowledge of the highest level for the satisfaction of their customers.

President and CEO Emma Perlaky and her husband arrived in Toronto from Hungary with 20 years experience in the business sector, but less experience speaking English. They dared to dream of a branch operation back in Hungary which could provide a service to both national and international clients. Their dream materialized beyond all expectations when they were able to contract with giant IBM in developing EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) software and, significantly, the production unit with the Serial #1 of the AS/400 series in the forward-looking EDI process was presented to Integral with a plaque recognizing their contribution.

A major challenge facing the founders was to research two problem areas: 1) the personal requirements of the new bosses and 2) how to express the problems (and solutions) in English.

Their talent and logic were applied successfully and led to many more joint projects with IBM. The firm has evolved on a planned, controlled basis, building gradually a staff of 16, including the involvement of the Perlaky family, possessing skills of application and marketing in a forward-looking atmosphere. The logo is an eye-catching combination of the calculus symbol for Integer and a C for Consulting, “The Power of 1 (ONE).”

Customers include local and international organizations. A three-year partnership with VE-Integral KFT of Hungary is a joint venture with Volan Elektronica Rt. also of that country. Marta Visontai, managing director of the Hungarian branch, and her colleagues offer technical and business expertise on various platforms including IBM PCs and the AS/400. They adapt existing western software to meet that country’s accounting and tax requirements, ensuring that the user interface is translated into Hungarian. They also design, code and/or enhance software applications for financial, sales and marketing, human resources, transportation and manufacturing sectors. Another valuable service is in helping newcomers to get established in the Hungarian way of doing business.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), the enabling technology for fundamental change between trading partners, now encompasses the globe. “We are EDI change masters. We orchestrate all aspects of a successful EDI program on time and on budget,” says Mrs. Perlaky. And along with all of this, she finds time for woodcarving, reading and collecting antiques.