Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
A Long Tradition of Canadian Research Excellence

Merck Frosst Canada Inc. is one of Canada’s leading fully-integrated pharmaceutical com-panies. Founded in Montreal, Quebec, in 1899, the company employs across the country more than 1,300 people who are engaged in the discovery, development, manufacture, marketing and sales of a wide range of prescription products for human health.

Most corporate activity takes place at the company’s headquarters located in the Montreal suburb of Kirkland, Quebec. Regional offices are based in Vancouver, Saskatoon, Calgary, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City and Halifax.

The company markets an extensive line of cardiovascular products for high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and heart failure as well as a broad range of vaccines. Merck Frosst is also a recognized leader in the treatment of osteoporosis, HIV/AIDS, glaucoma, prostate disease and other diseases.

The key to the company’s success has been its long-term commitment to research. The Merck Frosst Centre for Therapeutic Research is Canada’s largest biomedical research facility and houses the only fully-integrated pharmaceutical research centre in the country. The Centre employs some 200 of the world’s leading researchers, who continue the company’s long tradition of Canadian research excellence. Among the Centre’s key research projects are programs dedicated to developing new treatments for respiratory diseases such as asthma, and inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis. The Centre’s researchers are spearheading the assault on bronchial asthma with the development of a compound in a new class of therapies called leukotriene receptor antagonists. This is the first asthma treatment advance in more than 20 years. The Company’s investment in research and development places Merck Frosst among Canada’s top five corporate R&D spenders in all industries.

1. A technician is analyzing sterile products inside an aseptic isolator to ensure product quality. 2. A researcher is seperating a mixture of chemical compouns using thin layers of chromatography. [Merck Frosst Centre for Therapeutic Research]

Merck Frosst touches the lives of many people as an employer, a provider of health care and an active member of the communities it serves. The company’s commitment to and investment in research and development extends beyond its labs, reaching into research centres, universities and schools across the country. The company’s scientists and engineers are also actively involved in programs and learning opportunities for students in all levels of the educational system from elementary to university.

Merck Frosst is committed to actively working with government, private sector and the health care com-munity to find solutions that will contribute to better health for Canadians. In support of this commitment, the company has completed a strategic reorganization that will allow it to significantly contribute to patient health management and recommend effective health care approaches.

As a company, Merck Frosst’s focus is firmly on the future. By investing in people and in Canada, the company will continue to be a source of new medicines, will continue supporting research and educational programs and will continue to actively participate in health care reform to ensure optimal health care for all Canadians.