The Integral Group, Inc.
"A Taste of Things to Come"

Try this one at home: take twenty-some programmers, five sales reps, forty-plus computers, and a couple of executives determined to make waves; mix and stir; then bake in today's computer marketplace for twelve years. This recipe, mixed with care, is the culinary combination that produced today's Integral Group, Inc.

This recipe has other effects, characteristic traits which define the flavour of the company: reliability, quality, integrity and preserverance-it's amazing what those twelve years will do! Soon you will discover the enticing aroma bringing legions of satisfied customers back again and again for Integral's rare blend of talent, knowing that their AS/400 and Electronic Commerce related dilemmas will be resolved immediately, or sooner...

"But what makes The Integral Group tick?" you ask...There's a story behind that...

Established in 1986, Integral began early in both of its specialty fields. Zoltan Karacsony (programmer number three from the recipe) was involved in the development of the first Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software for IBM midrange computers. With demand for EDI functionality growing at a phenomenal pace since then, The INtegral Group has actively stayed ahead of the race. A glance through The Integral Group's brochures reveals an assortment of EDI software for a range of platforms, some of them third-party, some of them innovately developed by The Integral Group. Foremost among these products is SolutionPak. Integral's answer to their clients' Electronic Commerce needs including EDI and barcoding. As the mass migration to the Internet and other electronic communications media induces companies to reassess their business pracitces, adopting Electronic Commerce in order to remain competitive, The INtegral Group is there to provide necessary solutions.

The Integral Group, Inc. is equally agile in the AS/400 marketplace. Emma Perlaky and company co-founder Merrie Lee prudently secured the very first production B10 AS/400 for their own uses, assuring technology needed to tackle the latest trends. Since then, The Integral Group has worked with an impressive variety of AS/400 products and situations. From CASE tools to data warehousing and from manufacturing to distribution to finance, The INtegral Group has the experience to make AS/400 systems work. Always exploring new territory, in 1995 INtegral announced the release of its premier AS/400 client/server too., DCS/400, which provides accelerated performance for client/server applications between AS/400s and PCs.

Once familiar with the INtegral Group, there is incentive to know it better. You will soon see that this well-stirred, upbeat firm is ambitious and responsive, possessed by a flair for quality solutions. You will absolutely ascertain that Integral's culture is ready to enhance your future just as surely as it has successfully dealt with the past.