Olsten Staffing Services
Setting Strategies Seeing Results

TODAY, MANY BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS have come to know the cost and timesaving advantages of using the dependable, qualified temporary and permanent personnel offered by Olsten Staffing Services. With 33 offices throughout Canada, Olsten Staffing Services helps businesses of all sizes meet Staffing challenges. Olsten Corporation, founded in 1950, is one of the world's leading providers of staffing and information technology services to business, industry and government, and is North America's largest provider of home healthcare and related services. All types of staffing, both temporary and permanent are offered including: Office and technology, General Office, Administrative Support, Production /technical/ distribution.

Many businesses experience problems keeping staffing at ideal levels due to employee vacations, leaves of absence and the like. Other businesses have natural "peaks and valleys" that cause their staffing needs to change over time. With their wide-ranging staffing solutions, Olsten Staffing Services can help companies maintain quality and productivity while controlling personnel costs. Since a company pays only for actual time worked, and Olsten handles all applicable taxes and deductions, tremendous cost efficiencies are gained.

Olsten Staffing Services can provide the most qualified people to match job requirements and increase productivity.

Before Olsten fills any position, time is taken to fully understand a client's staffing requirements. Olsten compiles a comprehensive, accurate profile of the company - its policies, internal needs and job specifications. The company builds in detailed information about specific jobs or projects - procedures, applications, required skills, equipment, project time frame and other critical information. This profile is kept in a database and updated regularly so Olsten can provide a client with the most qualified people to match job requirements in every way. Olsten's ISO 9002 registration assures clients of consistent processes, procedures, and quality all across Canada. Staffing solutions are designed to meet a full range of business needs, including traditional temporary help, project staffing, professional level and accounting resources, strategic partnerships, permanent placement and more. Then, to ensure that only the most qualified person is sent for the job, each applicant is thoroughly interviewed, reference checked, skill evaluated, briefed and placed in assignments based on their experience, training and talent&

With the Olsten Precise" system skill proficiency is assured. The Olsten Precise" system is designed to evaluate candidates' capabilities and job-specific skills and train them for maximum efficiency. The Precise system encompasses software evaluations and written and hands-on tests that assess a variety of skills.

Olsten helps: reduce costs, improve control and planning, boost productivity, eliminate multiple orders, implement operational procedures, maintain quality standards.

In a business environment demanding ever increasing quality and flexibility, Olsten's staffing solutions help companies of all sizes to increase productivity and stay competitive into the next century.