Canada’s Ambassador to World Trade Organization
Left - Probably the best-known Argentine-born Canadian is Sergio Marchi, Canada’s Ambassador to the World Trade Organization. Formerly, Minister of International Trade during the second Chrétien government, other portfolios of this York University educated politician have included Immigration and Environment. In this view, the The Hon. Sergio Marchi is addressing an APEC SME business luncheon in Ottawa, September 18, 1997. [Photo, courtesy Office, the Minister for International Trade]


Pathologist Discovering New Hormone
Right - Born in Parana, Argentina, Dr. Adolfo de Bold is a clinical biochemist trained at the National University in Cordoba. He has an M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Queen’s University. His wife Mercedes, also Argentine-born, shares the same academic training and research interests. At present Dr. de Bold is Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Ottawa. His research has earned him international recognition for his discovery of a hormone named Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF) which has led to a better understanding of the function of the cardio-vascular system in both health and disease. [Photo, courtesy Ottawa Civic Hospital]