Mario Bunge holds a doctorate inphysics from the University of BuenosAires and has been Professor ofPhilosophy at McGill University eversince he came to Canada in 1966. Aprolific writer, Professor Bunge haspublished some 40 books with suchtitles as Treatise on Basic Philosophy,in eight volumes (1974-89), Philosophyof Physics (1973), ScientificMaterialism (1981), Social ScienceUnder Debate (1998) and Dictionaryof Philosophy (1999). He has also pub-lishedmore than 300 articles in schol-arlypublications. His wife, Marta, alsoan Argentine-born Canadian, is aProfessor of Mathematics in Montreal.Of their two children, one is an archi-tectwhile the other is a cognitive neuro-scientist.[Photo, courtesy ConsulateGeneral of Argentina]