Celebrating Armenian Heritage
Most Armenians immigrating to Canada this century tended to settle in either Ontario or Quebec. In 1979, nevertheless, they were active in creating the Armenian Cultural Association of the Atlantic Provinces. This view, taken circa 1990, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, depicts an Atlantic Association picnic. Gathering together as one big family, these are the descendents of those who faced genocide in Turkey early in the 20th century and eventually came to Canada via such countries as Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, and Lebanon. One of these descendents, Dr. Dickran Malatjalian, sitting, middle, had parents who were born in Turkish-occupied Armenia, were forced to flee their native homeland, met and married in Jerusalem, and eventually produced a son, who immigrated to Canada and settled in Halifax where, today, he is a practicing medical doctor. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Dickran Malatjalian]