Celebrating 50 years of Portrait Photography
One of the best-known Armenian surnames in Canada is Cavoukian. Escaping Turkish oppression in 1915, the family with three-month-old Artin fled to Jerusalem then resettled in Cyprus, finally setting up a photographic studio in Cairo, Egypt, before immigrating to Canada in 1958. This family portrait was taken at the Cavouk Studio on Bloor Street, Toronto, in 1980, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Artin Cavoukian, right, as a photographer. With hand on his mother Lucie’s shoulder, Onnig represents the third generation to carry on with the family business. His brother Raffi is recognized internationally as a children’s songwriter and popular performing artist while his sister, Dr. Anne Cavoukian, is the Information and Privacy Commissioner for the Province of Ontario. [Photo, courtesy Cavouk Portraits]