Immunologist Passionate about First Nations Peoples’ Art and Culture
Dr. Berhard Cinader was born in Vienna, Austria, 1919. An internationally respected immunologist with two doctorates, Dr. Cinader immigrated to Canada, 1959, after completing his formal education, at University of London’s Lister Institute of Preventative Medicine. From 1958-69, Dr. Cinader was Head, Subdivision of Immunochemistry, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto. While President, International Union of Immunological Societies, 1969-74, Dr. Cinader was also full Professor, University of Toronto, Medical Cell Biology, Medical Genetics, and Clinical Biochemistry between 1969-71. An Advisory Panel Member on Immunology for the World Health Organization since 1965, Dr. Cinader, President, 6th International Congress of Immunology, 1986, has received, over many years of intense research, numerous awards and medals for his scientific medical research and important discoveries and findings. These include the prestigious Pasteur Medal, 1960; Ignac Semmelweis Medal, Budapest, 1978; Thomas W. Eddie Medal (Royal Society of Canada), 1982; Officer, Order of Canada, 1985; and Landsteiner Medal, Sixth International Congress of Immunology, 1986. Author of over 300 scientific articles on immunology, oncology, and gerontology, over a 55-year professional career, Dr. Cinader also served as President, Royal Canadian Institute, 1989-90, and has given distinguished lectures in such places as Bombay, India; Beijing, China; Bankok, Thailand; Zagreb, Yugoslavia; Tashkent, U.S.S.R.; and Prague, Czechoslovakia. Retired as Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, 1992, Dr. Cinader’s keen interest in Canada’s first nation peoples has led him to investigate, with passion, native art and culture, making his new-found discoveries a second career. In this mid-1980s view, Dr. Cinader addresses an Ontario conference celebrating and honouring native culture. [Photo, courtesy, Dr. Berhard Cinader]