Best Pianist Currently Playing” in Canada
Although he was born in
Vienna, Austria, and although his formative years were spent in the United
States, 62-year-old Anton Kuerti has lived half his life in Canada and
now calls Canada home. At age 11, he performed the Grieg Concerto with
Boston's famous conductor, Arthur Fiedler. He was still a student when
he won the famous Leventritt Award, the prestigious Philadelphia Orchestra
Youth Prize, 1957, the same year he debuted with the New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, Carnegie Hall. Anton Kuerti has toured 31 countries, including
Japan, USSR, and most European countries. In Canada, Kuerti, “the best
pianist currently playing,” according to Fanfare Magazine, has appeared
in 115 communities and has played with every professional Canadian orchestra
including 35 concerts with the Toronto Symphony. He has won many prizes
and honorary doctorates, and is an Officer of the Order of Canada (1998).
Founder, Festival of Sound, Parry Sound, Ontario, Anton Kuerti's vast repertoire
includes some 50 concertos, including all the Beethoven Concertos and Sonatas
and a six-CD set of the Schubert Sonatas. [Photos,c ourtesy Anton Kuerti
via Paul J. Hoeffler]