Born, Barbados, W. Andy Knight, as with so many students who have come to Canada from elsewhere, remained in Canada after completing his university studies, both undergraduate and graduate. Canada has truly benefited from Andy Knight’s decision to pursue his professional career in Canada. Graduating, McMaster University, 1983, Andy completed his M.A., Political Science, Dalhousie University, 1986, and completed his doctoral degree in the same field, 1995, York University. A prolific writer, this young political scientist on the move is quickly approaching the completion of some 100 documents analyzing and examining Canada’s prominent position in world affairs, the role of the United Nations, and the subject of Peacemaking and Peacekeeping. Formerly an Assistant Professor in the Political Studies Department, Bishop’s University, where he won the Chancellor’s Teaching Award, 1996-97, Andy Knight is currently Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Alberta, as well as Vice Chair, Academic Council on the United Nations System. An external reviewer for a number of journals about foreign and external affairs, Dr. Knight is also a valued Government Consultant on Foreign Affairs. It is not difficult to understand why McMaster University awarded this distinguished alumnus, 1998, a Lifetime Achievement Award. [Photo, courtesy Professor W. Andrew Knight]

Born in Barbados, British West Indies, 1943, Anne Cools immigrated to Canada as a teenager, graduating from McGill University in the Social Sciences. Within 20 years, she became the first Black, male or female, to be appointed to the Canadian Senate. A respected Social Worker before entering politics, Anne Cools has been a passionate, innovative leader in creating services to assist battered wives, families in crisis, and families troubled by domestic violence. An unsuccessful Liberal candidate in the 1979 and 1980 Federal Elections, Senator Cools has served on numerous Senate Committees dealing with National Finance, Legal and Constitutional Affairs, and Official Languages. She was also a Member of the Senate Task Force on the Meech Lake Accord. [Photo, courtesy Senator Anne Cools]