George Wybouw was born in Brussels, Belgium, August 27, 1944, exactly six days before the British liberated the city. A good portion of his youth, in addition to schooling, was spent visiting western European countries. When completing his B.Com. and B.Ed. degrees at University of Antwerp, George became involved in the International Association of Students in Economics and Commerce, spending internships in Spain and Czechoslovakia which provided him with still greater interest in other cultures, other countries. This was probably why he initially travelled to Montreal and McGill University to study Business, completing his M.B.A. there, 1970. Invited to join the Faculty of Business Administration, Université de Moncton, New Brunswick, at age 25, was an offer he could not refuse. Such an offer in his own country would have taken 20 or 30 years! So, he jumped at the chance and has been, consequently, a teacher/administrator at this Moncton, New Brunswick, institution for nearly 30 years. During the 1980s, Dr. Wybouw took a sabbatical, graduating, Ph.D., Erasmus University, Rotterdam (the Netherlands). While teaching Management Information Systems, George became Director of the M.B.A. program, 1991, Université de Moncton, and launched the first French speaking M.B.A. distance program via videoconferencing and the internet. Appointed Dean, School of Business Administration, Université de Moncton, 1996, George Wybouw is involved, today, with the Greater Moncton Multicultural Association. In this view, 1999, George, right, visits Aziz Bouslikhan, CEO of Isiam, in Morocco, where the Moncton M.B.A. program is offered. [Photo, courtesy George Wybouw, Ph.D]