Born in Sofia, Bulgaria, Daniel Damov was active in the Canadian insurance industry from 1951 until his retirement in 1994 as Chairman of the Board of both Zurich Indemnity and Zurich Life Insurance Company of Canada. A man of business prominence in the world of Canadian insurance, Mr. Damov, a graduate of the Faculty of Law, University of Paris, France, has served as Chairman of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association, Inc. and has served as director or member of many organizations including The Centre for Canadian-American Studies, University of Windsor; the Business Council on National Issues; Dean’s Advisory Council, Faculty of Management, University of Toronto; Deans’ Advisory Board, Insurance and Risk Management Programme, Faculty of Management, the University of Calgary; National Board, Arthritis Society; and the Sunnybrook Health Science Centre. Married and the father of two, Mr. Damov, today, is still active in Canada’s business community as a director of four different insurance companies. At the time of this 1983 photograph, Travelers Canada, of which Mr. Damov was President (1978-1988), and Wayne Gretzky had agreed to team up and assist Canadians to learn more about Travelers Canada umbrella of insurance protection. [Photo, courtesy Daniel Damov]