During the Chinese cultural revolution of the 1960s and ’70s, Ange Zhang, born Beijing, China, 1951, spent three years on a farm as a part of his re-education, and another seven as a punch machine operator before studying theatre design and art at the Central Academy of Drama, Beijing, 1982-1989. While there, 1989, he designed the stage set for The Kasen, Osaka Arts Festival, Japan, and other sets for productions of Madame Butterfly in Finland, 1988, and Carmen, 1988, in Hong Kong, before coming to Canada, 1989, as a Design Intern, the Banff Centre for the Arts. There, he designed sets for Street Scene, 1989, and Punch and Judy, 1990. In 1991 he and his family moved to Stratford, Ontario, where besides being an Assistant Designer for the Festival, he created, 1992, sets for The Hometown Boy, at Blyth Festival, Ontario, and Moon for the Misbegotten, Grand Theatre, London, Ontario. In 1994, he received the prestigious Tom Patterson Award at Stratford. Besides designing sets for the Canadian Asian Theatre Group, the Native Earth Performing Arts, Theatre Passe Muraille, and Tarragon Theatre, Ange has also illustrated a number of children's books, winning the Mr. Christie’s Book Award, 1995, for Thor and is now writing and illustrating a book about a Chinese boy for publication in 2001. The stage set for Moon for the Misbegotten, background, won rave reviews for theatre designer Ange Zhang. [Photos, courtesy Ange Zhang]