A chance meeting with Mr. Ian Clark, Canada’s cultural attaché attending the first solo art exhibition of Croatian born Anton Cetin, Paris, 1968, resulted in the now internationally recognized painter immigrating to Canada that year. He and his wife Milka arrived in Paris, 1966, after Anton had studied mural techniques at the School of Applied Arts, Zagreb, 1954-59, and graphic arts and painting, Academy of Fine Arts, 1959-64.  In Paris he was a freelance artist and illustrator until French authorities told him to get a permanent job or leave the country within months. He mentioned this to Canada’s Ian Clark, who said if they wish, they could immigrate to Canada. Within months they were in Toronto. There Anton worked as a freelance illustrator while creating his archetypal Eve, “who universally represents the feminine, the spirit of peace and harmony, the giver of life and nurturing force.” In the 1980s he added a bird to “represent both the fragility of nature and the power of nature in its ability to fly.” This dual theme in hundreds of his paintings have been shown at more than 80 solo and 150 group shows world wide. His works hang in numerous galleries and corporate boardrooms in Canada and in more than a dozen countries, including the Vatican and his native Croatia, where he was awarded the Order of Croatian Danica and the Order of the Croatian Wattle by the President of Croatia, 1995. Rendered in his Toronto studio, 1997, Hi!, an acrylic on canvas (22"x26") depicts the two strong motifs, Eve and bird, which characterize the later paintings of Anton Cetin. [Photo, courtesy Anton Cetin via Mel James]