Zaher Abd Elmeged Masood, one of five children born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt, was three years old when his father died. Growing up in a close family environment with a mother determined to raise five children who would make a contribution to the world at large, Zaher vigorously pursued education, graduating in Production Engineering, University of Alexandria, 1971. After three years as a part-time tool designer and part-time lecturer, University of Alexandria, Zaher and his Egyptian born wife decided that Canada was the place to raise a family. Enrolling as a graduate student in Mechanical Engineering, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Zaher completed his M.Eng., 1974, taking a job, for ten years, as a Senior Piping Engineer, with Stone & Webster, Toronto, before gaining employment, 1990, with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited – CANDU Operation. By 1996 he had become a Team Leader, Piping Task Force, in Naari, North Korea, and in 1997 was made a Section Head, Process Design and Piping Engineer, Taejon, Korea. Proud father of four sons, in this recent view, Zaher and members of his family, stand together on the grounds of Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, where one of his sons, Omar, in uniform, middle, is pursuing an undergraduate degree in engineering. [Photo, courtesy Zaher Masood]