in Canada
Pursuing a lifelong career
of spiritual service, Father Angelos Mikhial Saad, born in Alexandria,
Egypt, first graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Alexandria,
1973, then began an intensive five-year period studying theology, becoming
ordained in 1978 as a Coptic Orthodox Priest. After completing 10 years
of spiritual service in Alexandria, he took a pastoral post in Seattle,
Washington,1988. When His Highness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria
and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark in Alexandria, Egypt, suggested that
Father Angelos go to Canada and direct the building of a Canadian Coptic
Centre, Father Angelos went to Mississauga, Ontario, 1989, and immediately
initiated a fundraising campaign to build a major spiritual and cultural
centre to complement the church of the Virgin Mary and St. Athanasius which
earlier had been established in Mississauga, 1974. Today, under the guidance
of Father Angelos, this dynamic Coptic Centre is actively preparing to
meet the spiritual and cultural needs of working parents, the aged, and
the sick by establishing schools, daycare centres, and a sports centre
for the community in the heartland of one of Canada’s fastest growing municipalities.
Father Angelos also established three new churches in Ontario, the Church
of Archangel Michael and St. Takla, Brampton; Church of St. Mina, Hamilton;
and the Church of St. George and St.Marcorious, St. Catharines. In this
view, Father Angelos, centre, stands with His Highness Pope Shenouda III,
left,and Mississauga’s Mayor Hazel McCallion, right, at the time when the
Canadian Coptic Centre was celebrating its official opening, 1998. [Photo,
courtesy the Canadian Coptic Centre, Mississauga, Ontario]