Ezzat Fattah, born Assiout, Egypt, 1929, graduated, from Faculty of Law, University of Cairo, 1948, and worked in capacities such as District Attorney, Public Prosecutor, and Chief Prosecutor for various Egyptian cities, including Alexandria, 1949-54, and Cairo, 1958-61, before enrolling at University of Vienna Institute of Criminology, 1961, pursuing graduate studies and undertaking research under the guidance of Professor Roland Grassberger who introduced Ezzat to the new discipline of Victimology. Ezzat Fattah became a Research Assistant in Criminology at the Université de Montréal, 1965-68, as well as an Assistant and Associate Professor of Criminology at the same institution while he was pursuing graduate work there, receiving his M.A., 1965 and Ph.D., 1968, in Criminology, the first student in Canada to be awarded a doctorate in this discipline. Currently, Professor Emeritus of Criminology, Simon Fraser University, since 1974, Professor Fattah was the University’s Founding Chairman of the Criminology Department, 1974-78. Author or co-author of several important books and some 100 scholarly papers in learned journals, Dr. Fattah received the Konrad Adenauer Research Award in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, 1992; the Commemorative 125th Anniversary of Canada Medal; and is a Fellow, Royal Society of Canada. Staunch defender of human rights and keenly aware of the need to protect citizens against the abuses of power, Dr. Ezzat Fattah was one of many leading the successful fight in Canada against the death penalty. His well-known association with Amnesty International has caused him to be invited to a number of international conferences to crusade for the abolition of the death penalty and the commutation of sentences for those on death row. Recognizing that “crime is normal, even natural behaviour,” Dr. Ezzat Fattah, a pioneer in victimology, argues strongly for a new body of criminal law for the 21st century, reflecting the social realities of post-industrial society. [Photo, courtesy Professor Ezzat Fattah]