Born in Sweden shortly after his parents fled communist oppression, in 1944, in Estonia, Heino Lilles and his family immigrated to Canada when he was four years old, settling in Ontario where he graduated from Queen’s University with a B.Sc. (1967) and M.Sc. (1971). Following completion of his Law Degree at Queen’s, Heino attended University of London, England, obtaining his LL.M. before returning to Kingston, Ontario, becoming Associate Professor of Law, Queen’s University,1972-87. A specialist in Family and Children's Law, Heino Lilles was appointed a Territorial Judge of theYukon in 1987. The Hon. Judge Heino Lilles is well known for involving the community in sentencing and for innovations in establishing aboriginal justice. Judge Lilles was a Visiting Scholar, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, in 1994-95. This view depicts Judge Lilles swearing in Alice Frost from the Arctic community of Old Crow as a Senior Justice of the Peace. [Photo, courtes the Hon. Judge Lilles]