During the first ever International Goan Convention which took place over a two-week period in Toronto, 1988, a cultural extravaganza was staged at Roy Thomson Hall. This included traditional Portuguese dance ensembles as well as many modern colourful dance routines, as viewed below. [Photo, courtesy Albert J. Fernandes via the Multicultural History Society of Ontario]

Zulema de Souza, born in Goa, was the 14th and 17th and only female President of the Goan Overseas Association (G.O.A.) founded in Toronto, 1970. Ever since she immigrated to Canada, in 1971, she has energized the Goan community in her adopted country, organizing the first ever Goan International Convention, held in Toronto, 1988. This two-week Convention received international publicity and put Goans in Canada on top of the Goan world. Viewed here in the Office of Ontario Premier David Peterson, 1988, Zulema de Souza, viewed right of Mr. Peterson, centre, stands with a Delegation of Goan Canadians during the International Goan Convention of that year. [Photo, courtesy Albert J. Fernandes via the Multicultural History Society of Ontario]