Contributing to the Cause of Multiculturalism
Dr. Colin Saldanha, of Goan descent, was born in Karachi, Pakistan, arriving in Canada, 1981, following completion of his medical degree, University of Karachi, 1979. Dr. Saldanha, today, practices Family and Occupational Medicine in Mississauga, Ontario. He also serves as a Corporate Physician to a number of business establishments and government agencies, including the RCMP, Transport Canada, Health Canada, and Immigration Canada. Involved extensively in community work, he participates in numerous forums on Race Relations and Equity, Policing and Social Justice Issues. A Past President, Peel Multicultural Council, Dr. Saldanha participated in the Spicer Commission on Canadian Unity. Appointed by Ontario's Solicitor General to Chair of the Peel Police Services Board, 1990, Dr. Saldanha later served as President of Canadian Association of Police Boards. Married with three children, Dr. Saldanha is a man with lots of service energy. He was awarded the Canada 125 Medal, 1992. In this view, Dr. Saldanha, with wife Sheila, receives a citation, 1991, for his “unselfish dedication and valued contribution to the cause of multi-culturalism” from Ontario Premier Bob Rae on behalf of the Peel Multicultural Council. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Colin Saldanha]