Iconostasis is Hidden Canadian Treasure
Approximately 95 percent of Greek Canadians belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, headquartered, Toronto, Ontario. The earliest Greek Church in Toronto is St. George Greek Orthodox Church whose cathedral-like sanctuary is majestically enhanced by a series of breathtaking religious iconographic paintings making the interior of this church one of the hidden treasures of Canada. [Photo, courtesy St. George Greek Orthodox Church]

Guiding Greek Orthodox Church
His Eminence Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios Athanassoulas was born to George and Anastasia in Lepiana Arta, Greece, 1936. He graduated, University of Athens School of Theology, 1961, and obtained a Master’s Degree in Theology, University of Montreal, 1971. Speaking Greek, English, and French, he has served as a clergyman in Canada since 1962. Elected Bishop of the Greek Orthodox Church in Canada, December 18, 1973 and ordained, 1974, he was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto, 1996. The Archbishop has served as Member of the Governing Board of the University of Toronto, 1975-78. He visited China, 1981, with The Canadian Council of Churches, and Australia with the World Council of Churches, 1982. When he assumed duties as Bishop in Canada, there were 22 Parishes. Now there are 75. During his Archieratical service, the Diocese, and now Metropolis, established the annual Youth Assemblies, 1980; the monthly newspaper, Orthodox Way, 1982; the Social Services of the Diocese, 1984; Metahomes, 1984, providing transitional housing for the homeless; The Greek Orthodox Order of Canada, 1987; the weekly television program Orthodox Voice, 1990, which is broadcast across all of Canada; the School of Byzantine Music, 1991; the Convents of St. Kosmas of Aitolos, Ontario, and the Virgin Mary of Consolation, Quebec, 1993; the Greek Orthodox Education of Ontario (Day Schools), 1996; and the Toronto Orthodox Theological Academy (1998). He has composed and published Catechism of the Greek Orthodox Faith in English, and in both Greek verse and prose. He was honoured with the Centennial Medal of Canada, 1967, and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal, and the “125 Canada” Medal, 1992. [Photo, courtesy Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto]