Internationally Respected Neonatologist
Dr. Apostolos Nicolas Papageorgiou immigrated to Canada shortly after graduating from the Medical School at the University of Sorbonne, Paris, France, 1966. Born, Volos, Greece, 1937, Dr. Papageorgiou migrated to Canada to take post graduate work in Pediatrics at both University of Montreal and McGill University, 1966-73. Since 1974, Dr. Papageorgiou has been Director, Neonatology, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal. He is Full Professor, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, McGill University, since 1988; Pediatrician-in-Chief, St. Mary’s Hospital; Pediatrician-in-Chief, Jewish General Hospital. President, Society of Neonatologists, Province of Quebec, and Past President of the section of Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine of the Canadian Pediatric Society, Dr. Papageorgiou is the recipient, Osler Award for Outstanding Teacher, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, as well as the Kaplan Award, Best Clinical Teacher, Department of Pediatrics, McGill University. Voted outstanding member of the Montreal Greek community by Hellenic Ladies Benevolent Society, and recipient, the Hellenic Scholarships Foundation Award for Academic Excellence, Dr. Papageorgiou was co-ordinator of the International Committee of Experts on the Revision of the Health Care System in Greece, 1993. A Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Dr. Papageorgiou has addressed conferences, symposia, and conventions in 22 countries, clearly demonstrating the international respect he has as a Neonatologist since immigrating to Canada. [Photo, courtesy Dr. A.N. Papageorgiou]