T. Vidhya (Vid) N. Persaud, born, 1940, Port Mourant, Guyana, earned his
M.D., Rostock University, Germany, 1965, and Ph.D., University of the West
Indies, 1970. After completing his internship in Berlin, Dr. Persaud served
as Government Medical Officer, Guyana, 1966-67. He was appointed Lecturer/Senior
Lecturer, 1967-72, University of West Indies. In 1972 Dr. Persaud joined
the medical faculty, University of Manitoba, where he became Professor
and Head of the Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science, 1977-1993.
Dr. Persaud is now Professor Emeritus, 1999, University of Manitoba; Associate
Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, since 1979,
and Professor, Pediatrics and Child Health, since 1989. Dr. Persaud is
deeply involved in the study of embryology and birth defects, and since
1965, has published numerous research papers and 22 books in this area
including Advances in the Study of Birth Defects (Vols. 1-7, 1979 to 1982),
Environmental Causes of Human Birth Defects, 1990, and The Developing Human,
with the University’s former Head of Anatomy, Dr. Keith L. Moore (6th ed.,
1998). Dr. Persaud has received several awards in recognition of his teaching
and research including the Dr. and Mrs. Saunderson Award for Excellence
in Teaching, University of Manitoba, 1985; Albert Einstein Centennial Medal,
Academy of Sciences, Germany, 1981, Andreas Vesalius Medal, University
of Pisa, 1986, and the J.C.B. Grant Award, Canadian Association of Anatomists,
1991. Dr. Persaud is considered one of the world’s leading authorities
in the field of teratology. [Photo, courtesy Dr.T.V.N. Persaud] |