Dr. Chandra Madramootoo has made Water Resources his profession. Graduating B.Sc. (1977), M.Sc.(1981), and Ph.D. (1985), Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, McGill University, Dr. Madramootoo has taught these subjects at his alma mater since 1984. Born, Georgetown, Guyana, 1954, after completing his B.Sc., he worked for three years on irrigation systems for banana farms at the Caribbean Agricultural Research Development Institute, St. Lucia, before returning to McGill to complete his graduate work. While taking his Ph.D., he was invited to be a lecturer, becoming full professor, 1995. A world-recognized expert in the field of irrigation, drainage, and flood control, Dr. Madramootoo was named Founding Director, McGill’s Brace Centre for Water Resource Management, 1999. He has been a consultant on water projects in Eygpt, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, and St. Lucia, has been author or co-author of over 100 papers and has presented more than 50 papers at international conferences, seminars, and various symposia. Serving as adviser to CIDA, FAO, EU, and the World Bank on matters associated with water projects worldwide, Dr. Madramootoo, as a participant in a World Water Council project, has helped prepare Canada’s world vision for water usage and the environment in the 21st century, and has helped develop Canada’s regional vision for water, food, and rural development in the Americas. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Chandra Madramootoo]