One of 16 siblings, Max Charleston was born, 1947, in Gonaïves, Haiti’s third largest city where his father, Emmanuel Barbot, was a school superintendent and his mother, Oliane, a shopkeeper. After attending high school and Teacher’s College, Max furthered his post-secondary school studies, University of Haiti, pursuing Law and Economic Sciences, 1971-75. La famille Barbot, as with so many Haitian families at this time, suffered under the abusive powers of the Duvalier regime. In order for Max to escape dictatorship, he changed his surname to Charleston, his mother’s family name. Arriving in Canada, December 1975, Max chose to live in Toronto where job opportunities in the teaching profession were plentiful. Hired by the Metropolitan Toronto Separate School Board, 1976, Max began teaching Elementary School French, as a second language. He continues to teach high school French during the evenings for the Toronto District School Board. Max has joined various Haitian cultural groups in Toronto and has formerly served l’Association Haitienne de Toronto as both Secretary and Vice Chair. “Whenever the opportunity arises,” he is “helping my fellow citizens in difficulty with the law, the immigration system, and the ones experiencing difficulties integrating into the Toronto milieu.” [Photo, courtesy Max Charleston]

Like many before and after her, Gladys Guérin, born, Petion-Ville, Haiti, 1950, came to Canada to further her education, with intentions of returning home, but ended up working and getting married in Canada. Since 1987, the Treasurer of l’Outaouais Urban Community, the regional government serving Hull, Gatineau, and Aylmer, Quebec, Ms. Guérin left her homeland to study at the University of Ottawa, taking a B.Admin., 1971, B. Comm., 1972, and becoming a Chartered Accountant, 1975. She held posts with George Welch & Co., 1975-79, was Director, Financial Services, Champlain School Board in Gatineau, 1979-84, and Financial Analystat Des Draveurs School Board in Gatineau, 1984-87, prior to her present post. Married to Serge Monette, 1980, Ms. Guérin is a member of the Chartered Accountant Institutes of both Quebec and Ontario. [Photo, courtesy Gladys Guérin]