Gergely Pongratz, left, the living legend of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, as the guest of Toronto's Hungarian House, visits Canada in 1998. Here, he greets, far right, Csaba Gaal, editor, Kanadai Magyarság, the largest Hungarian weekly newspaper in the western world, Elemer Bogyay, President, Hungarian Canadian Cultural Centre, Toronto, Mr. Karoly Borbas, Museum Curator of the W.F.H.V., and Mrs. Borbas. All fled the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and came to Canada as refugees. [Photo, courtesy the Hungarian House]


Founded after the 1956 diaspora, and published in Toronto, the Kanadai Magyars is, today, the largest Hungarian weekly in the western world. By the 1980s, it had absorbed several papers in the United States and had split into both Canadian and American editions.