Lotfollah Shafai, born, Maragbeh, Iran, 1941, became the first Iranian student ever to enroll in the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Engineering, University of Toronto. After completing his B.Sc. in engineering in his native homeland, he arrived in Canada, September 24, 1964, in the middle of the fall term and was given provisional acceptance to the Master’s degree program, Electrical Engineering, completing his M.A.Sc., 1966, and was granted a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, 1969. After 10y ears at the University of Manitoba, he was made full professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. To enhance University of Manitoba’s contact with Industry, Lot Shafai assisted in establishing The Institute for Technology Development and was its Director until 1987 when he was appointed Head of the University’s Electrical Engineering Department. To enable national and international technical and scientific exchange, Professor Shafai established the Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, 1986. Held every two years, it is the premier Canadian conference on Telecommunications, Antennas and Microwaves, attracting a number of international participants. At the University of Manitoba, Dr. Shafai has established a world-class Antenna and Microwave Laboratory. His early research contribution in 1976 resulted in satellite terminal miniaturization for Hermes Satellite. This work for the first time introduced CAD concept to reflector antenna design and subsequentially was adapted internationally. Professor Shafai’s recent contributions were recognized, 1988, by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers of USA by electing him a Fellow. Author of some 700 books, technical papers and reports, an energetic Dr. Lot Shafai has received many awards. He knows that the stable and welcoming lifestyle of Canadian society has made it possible for him to have an uninterrupted career in teaching, researching, writing, and inventing (he has 12 patents). In this view, 1998, Dr. Jean-Pierre Wallot, right, President, The Royal Society of Canada, presents Dr. Lotfollah Shafai, left, with the prestigious certificate inducting him as a Fellow of Canada’s most prestigious and respected scientific body. [Photo, courtesy Professor Lotfollah Shafai]