Government Deputy Leader, House of Commons
For the last 16 years, Italian-born Alfonso Gagliano has been a federally elected Liberal Member of the House of Commons, Ottawa, the last six of which have been as a member of the Cabinet, first as Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs, 1994-96, Minister of Labour, 1996-97, and Minister of Public Works and Government Services since 1997. Born, Siculiana, Italy, 1942, he came to Canada, 1958, and took courses at Sir George Williams College (now Concordia University) to become a Certified General Accountant. His first political victory was election as School Commissioner, St. Jerome/LeRoyer, 1977, becoming its President, 1983. In 1984, he was elected M.P. for St. Leonard-Anjou, and as a member of the Opposition, was named Opposition Spokesman for Small Business, Revenue Canada, and Canada Post. In 1988, he was re-elected to the new riding of Saint Leonard and appointed Chair, Quebec Liberal Caucus, then Chief Opposition Whip, 1991. Re-elected, 1993, Prime Minister Chrétien named him Chief Government Whip, followed by his appointment to the Cabinet, 1994, as Secretary of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons. Re-elected, June 1997, to the riding now named Saint-Leonard/Saint-Michel, The Hon. Mr. Gagliano, in addition to his role as Minister of Public Works and Government Services, has continued his role as Deputy Leader of the Government. He is also responsible for the Canada Information Office, Canada Post Corporation, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, the Royal Canadian Mint, and Canada Lands Company Limited. [Photo, courtesy Office of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services]