After completing his Ph.D. in Physiology and Bacteriology, Iowa State College, 1958, then completing post-doctoral work, Western Reserve University, Dr. Isamu Suzuki returned to Japan where he was born, 1930, teaching, University of Tokyo, 1960-62, before accepting a National Research Council of Canada Post doctoral Fellowship at University of Manitoba, 1962-64. By 1972, Dr. Suzuki was Chair, Department of Microbiology, University of Manitoba, where he quickly established himself internationally as a noted authority on sulfur metabolism, sulphur oxidation, ammonia oxidation, and bacterial leaching. Over a 40-year career as teacher, researcher, and author, Dr. Isamu Suzuki’s laboratory studies have concluded that the bacteria he investigates, Thio bacilli, are not only responsible for sulfur oxidation but also oxidize iron and are responsible for metal leaching from sulfide ores which can be used to extract metals such as copper, zinc, uranium in “bacterial leaching.” Until recent times, this leaching was only known to cause acid mine drainage problems in the environment. A noted speaker at nternational conferences on sulfur metabolism and bacterial leaching, in this view, 1989, Dr. Suzukiis in his laboratory studying the bacterial activity in “Oxygraph” with an oxygen (O2) sensitive electrode. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Isamu Suzuki]