New Opportunities for Specialty Crops
Dr. Hak-Yoon (Hal) Ju, Professor,
Plant Science, Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro, Nova Scotia, was
born, 1938, Kyunggi Do, Korea, immigrating to Canada, 1969, after graduating,
first, in Agronomy, Seoul National University, and specializing in agricultural
science, Malling Agricultural College, Denmark. Completing both his M.Sc.
1976, and Ph.D., 1980, MacDonald College, McGill University, Dr. Ju gained
employment, 1981, with Department of Plant Science, Nova Scotia Agricultural
College, where, since 1989, he has been Full Professor. Although he teaches
traditional agricultural courses such as Small Fruit Crops, Tree Fruit
Crops, and Plant Physiology, his specialty research areas, especially in
ginseng and mushroom cultivation, frost survival of lowbush blueberry,
the study of cold apple hardiness, the investigation of weed control ,
and the research into stevia (natural sweetner) production have made his
work an international success story. In this recent view, Dr. Hal Ju addresses
a gathering of agriculturalists exploring and learning new opportunities
for specialty crops. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Hak-Yoon Ju]