Sarmite Bulte was elected a Liberal Member of Parliament for the federal riding of Parkdale-High Park, Ontario, 1977. Following Soviet occupation of their homeland, her Latvian-born parents immigrated to Canada in the late 1940s. Born in Hamilton, Ontario, upon completing her undergraduate studies, 1975, at the University of Toronto, Ms. Bulte followed her career dreams, graduating in Law from the University of Windsor, 1978, being called to the Ontario Bar, 1980. An advocate for women’s issues, Ms. Bulte has served as President, Canadian Association of Women Executives and Entrepreneurs, 1987-88. She is a Past Vice-President, International, Women Entrepreneurs of Canada. Currently, Director of the Council for Business and the Arts in Canada, she is Past President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, The Canadian Stage Company, one of the largest not-for-profit theatre companies in Canada. Active in the Latvian community with the Latvian Credit Union, she presently serves on the Governing Council of the Latvian National Federation in Canada. Married and the mother of three children, “Sam” Bulte, in this view, is addressing the Vietnamese Association of Toronto’s celebration of the Year of the Cat at the Têt Festival, February 6, 1999. Ms. Bulte’s father now resides in Latvia and is Chairman, Freedom Monument Restoration Committee in Riga. [Photo, courtesy Sarmite Bulte, M.P.]