Talivaldis Kenins, composer, teacher, pianist, was born, 1919, in Liepaja, Latvia. Forced out of his native land by Soviet occupation following World War II, he continued his work as a musician at the Paris Conservatory until 1951, the year he immigrated to Canada to assume duties as organist-choirmaster for the Latvian congregation at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Toronto. His teaching career began in 1952 at the University of Toronto. When he retired in 1984, he was internationally known as an esteemed composer. Professor Kenins has composed eight symphonies, 12 concertos, major chamber music and choral works, and has performed abroad with international enthusiasm. In 1995, he was named Officer of the National Three-Star Order of the Republic of Latvia. In this 1988 view at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto, the Honourable Lincoln Alexander, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, congratulates Dr. Kenins at the première of Gloria by the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. [Photo, courtesy Talivaldis Kenins]