A third generation pianist, Arthur Ozolins was born to Latvian parents in Lubeck, Germany, 1946. International attention focused on this musician in the early 1970s when The New Yorker heralded his emergence as “... one of the great virtuoso pianists of our time.” He has also performed in such renowned halls as the Sydney Opera House, Australia; Sala Verdi, Milan; Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires; Theatre des Champs-Elysées, Paris; Schauspielhaus, Berlin; Shostakovich Hall, St. Petersburg, among others. He has toured with such orchestras as the Royal Philharmonic, St. Petersburg (Leningrad), Stockholm and Oslo, Barcelona, Ulster, and Taiwan. Recipient of the first Juno Award given in classical music, Arthur Ozolins, for more than 25 years, has been at the heart of music-making in Canada and his various celebrated recordings have made him popular worldwide as a master pianist. [Photo, courtesy Arthur Ozolins]