Consultant to World Health Organization
Born in Kaunas, Lithuania, in 1920, Vytautas Pavilanis completed his medical degree at the University of Kaunas, 1942, receiving Diplomas in Microbiology, 1947, and Serology and Hematology, 1948, from the Pasteur Institute, Paris, before immigrating to Canada the same year to pursue a teaching and medical research career at the Institute Armand-Frappier in Montreal, Quebec. There he organized and was in charge of the production of vaccines for polio, flu, measles. A consultant to the World Health Organization, Dr. Pavilanis, now Professor Emeritus at the Institute Armand-Frappier since retirement, 1984, is viewed here, right, at the Pasteur Centenary with former Pasteur colleagues, Professor E. Wollmann, centre, internationally respected bacteriologist and Deputy Director of the Pasteur Institute, and, left, Professor D. Athanasiu, renowned Romanian virologist. [Photos, courtesy Dr. Vytautas Pavilanis]