Toronto’s first International Caravan took place, 1969, the same year the Selyani Macedonian Folklore Group was founded. For the past 30 years, this well-known singing and dance group, in addition to performing at venues such as Toronto’s Harbourfront, Mariposa Folk Festival, the Stratford Festival, the Ontario Science Centre, and the Royal Ontario Museum, has represented Canada on the world stage while participating at festivals in Wales, England, New York, Florida, and Macedonia. In this group view, the Selyani Macedonian Folklore Group is ready to perform at the Montreal Olympics, 1976. The backbone of the group is the husband and wife team of Jim and Dena Nicoloff whose ancestors immigrated to Canada from Macedonia in the early 20th century. In this view, Jim and Dena are seen with the Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney when he, as Prime Minister of Canada, visited the Macedonian Home for Senior Citizens at Canadian Macedonian Place, Toronto, 1987. The Selyani Macedonian Folklore Group’s aim has always been to preserve and share Macedonian folk-lore culture and to have an enjoyable time doing it. [Photo, courtesy Jim and Dena Nicoloff]