Recognized Internationally as Eastern European Scholar
Historian Andrew Rossos was born, 1941, in the Aegean or the Greek part of Macedonia. At the age of seven, during the Civil War in Greece (1947-1949), he and his two older brothers and sister were among the many Greek and Macedonian children who were evacuated for their safety (kidnapped, as the Greek government said at the time) to the Communist countries of Eastern Europe. He and his siblings were taken to Czechoslovakia. A year later, their mother ended up in Poland. Their father, who immigrated to Canada at the end of the Civil War in Greece, did not succeed in reuniting the family again until the very late 1950s in Toronto. With the aid of graduate fellowships, Andrew completed his education at Stanford University, California, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Russian and East European history, 1970. Today, Andrew Rossos, born in Vambel (Maskohori in Greek) a small, picturesque, but no longer existing Macedonian village, is a Professor of History, University of Toronto, where he has taught since 1967. Over the years Professor Rossos has been the recipient of research grants and fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies/the Social Science Research Council, the Canada Council, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. His research interests have ranged from Russian-Balkan relations to Czech historiography, Balkan nationalism, and the history of Macedonia and the Macedonians. His scholarly work has been published by well-known academic publishers and in leading scholarly journals. Professor Rossos is recognized internationally as an authority on Eastern Europe and as a leading specialist on Macedonia and the Macedonians. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Andrew Rossos]

Macedonian Boarding House
Typical Macedonian boarding-house, Toronto, 1917. The planting o fseeds in a new land often meant sharing accommodations, living in stark conditions, and dreaming of a secure future. This painting by S. Tomev is part of the permanent collection of the Multicultural History Society of Ontario. [Photo, courtesy MHSO]