José Zamorano was born in Mexico. After completing an undergraduate degree in finance, in Mexico City, José travelled to France, completing his doctoral degree in Economie Agroalimentaire, 1990. Convinced an economic relationship between Canada and Mexico was going to get stronger, and desiring to participate in the future developing process, he, his wife, Concepcion, and two children immigrated, 1997, to Montreal where he felt important opportunities in that city existed for him and his family. He was right. Today, he works as an executive for Provigo, a huge Quebec grocery store conglomerate. As a manager with Provigo's Produce Division, Boucherville, P.Q., José assists in importing fruits and vegetables from Mexico and Latin America. He also lectures at Écoles d' Hautes Etudes Commerciales, University of Montreal. Formerly an agricultural economist with the Mexican government, José enjoys working for Provigo in the private sector. His wife has her own business, importing and selling Mexican furniture in the heart of downtown Montreal. [Photo, courtesy José Zamorano, Ph.D.]

Angelica Escobar, born state of Morelas, village of Tlaquiltenango, Mexico, some two hours south of Mexico City, immigrated to Canada, 1989, eventually settling in Brampton, Ontario. Before she came to Canada with three of her four children, Angelica had been a local folklore dancer in community and cultural centres in her hometown. Her passion for music led her to co-found Alianza, a Mexican folklore group specializing in popular music and dance. In the seven years since the group was founded,1994, Alianza has performed at many local venues including numerous Festivals and Fiestas staged with Caravan, Carabram, Carassauga, at the University of Toronto, Sheridan and Seneca Colleges, Ontario Place, and various galas at numerous hotels. In this view, Angelica's daughter, Thania, struts and clicks her stuff at a hot venue where Mexican music and colour captivate an enthusiastic audience. [Photo, courtesy Angelica Escobar]