Operating Private Dental Clinic
A dental surgeon, Dr. Nelly Jinich’s thesis when she graduated, cum laude, from the Faculty of Dentistry, Universisidad Technológica de México, Mexico City, 1976, was called “Haematological Management of Hemophiliac Patients.” When she first came to Canada, 1978, she did dental radiographic research work at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children. Nevertheless the route to certification as a Canadian dentist was a struggling uphill climb. Upon completing her Doctor of Dental Surgery, University of Toronto, 1991, Nelly received a prize for being an outstanding student in Clinical Paedodontics. Today, married to Simha Mendelsohn, a computer/business systems engineer, also from Mexico, Nelly, the proud mother of three boys, manages her own dental practice in Toronto while operating a private clinic. [Photo, courtesy Simha Mendelsohn]

Born in Mexico City, Dr. Leopoldo Chagoya, left, graduated, M.D., University of Mexico, and specialized in Psychiatry at Montreal's McGill University. Working for five years there, he became Head, Family Therapy, Jewish General Hospital, returning, 1972, to Mexico City where he co-founded the Institute of the Family with Mexican colleagues. In 1982, Dr. Chagoya reimmigrated to Ontario. He became the first Head of Family Studies, McMaster University, and is now Associate Professor, University of Toronto. At present he combines private practice in Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Couple Therapy with teaching and supervising psychiatric residents in Individual and Couple Psychotherapy, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. He has published extensively many scientific articles, book chapters, and one book called Techniques of Family Therapy. Translating texts is another of his specialities. Over the last two years he has reawakened his early love for writing fiction, film dialogue, and film scripts. [Photo, courtesy Dr. Leopoldo Chagoya]