Sociologist Focusing on the Family
Professor Parvez Wakil, who came to the University of Saskatchewan, Sociology Department, 1964, planned to return to Pakistan with his wife, Farkhanda, after a year, but his research kept him there for three years and they decided "the city and country seemed the best place in the world to live in and raise our family.” Born in Gujart, Punjab, 1935, Professor Wakil attended Government College and University of Punjab, Lahore, before attending Washington State University, 1959-63, under the Inter-University Teachers Exchange Program. Named Most Outstanding Pakistani Student in the United States by the American Friends of the Middle East, 1962, he returned to Pakistan as Senior Lecturer, Sociology, 1963-64, before arriving in Saskatoon. Since then, he has taught and been involved in research in Canada, the United States, and elsewhere. His particular interest has resulted in such books as Marriage, Family and Society: Canadian Perspectives, 1975; Marriage and Family in Canada, 1976, and numerous articles on the family in a number of professional journals. He has also edited and/or authored four books on the society and culture of South East Asia. An advisor to the Canadian government, 1966-67, he also wrote a Report for Health and Welfare Canada, 1992. Professor Wakil was a founder and later President, Islamic Association of Saskatchewan and the Pakistan Canada Cultural Association. Between 1983-86, he served as a member, Canadian Commission for UNESCO. He is also a Member, Canadian Bar Association, on the Board, Canadian Asian Studies Association, and a member, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Vanier Institute of the Family, and the National Council of Family Relations. His community work has earned him a life membership in the National Council of Pakistani Canadians and his participation and research in sociology in over 200 national and international conferences has led to his induction as a Haultain Fellow. He is also a Gilmore Fellow of Research. [Photo, courtesy Professor Parvez Wakil]