obtaining his fifth degree, Mohammad A. Qadeer settled in Canada as Associate
Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Queen’s University, Kingston,
and Full Professor, 1978. Born, Lahore, 1935, before the Partition of India,
in 1947, Mohammed received a B.Sc., 1953, and M.A., 1959, University of
Punjab, earned an M.S., School of Ekistics, Athens, Greece, 1963, and while
teaching in the United States, obtained an M.A., Community Planning, University
of Rhode Island, 1966, and a Ph.D., his fifth degree, Columbia University,
1971. Besides teaching at Queen’s University, his specialization in such
areas as Social Development Programs, Urban Land Economy and Real Estate
Development and Urban Planning for Multicultural Cities, has led to consulting
and research assignments for the United Nations Development Programme,
Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation, Ontario Ministry of Housing, Ontario
Hydro, and other consultant roles in his native Pakistan. Co-author of
Towns and Villages in Canada, and author, of Urban Development in the Third
World, 1983, Professor Qadeer has also written eight book chapters dealing
with such diverse subjects as “Urban Planning and Multiculturalism in Ontario,”
and “Why Family Planning is Failing.” More than 100 articles have also
appeared in academic and professional journals and daily newspapers and
magazines in Canada and Pakistan. Appointed Professor Emeritus, Urban and
Regional Planning, Queen’s University, 2000, Dr. Qadeer received the Peter
Nash Award for Achievement in the Practice of International Planning, University
of Rhode Island, 1989. [Photo, courtesy Dr.Mohammed Qadeer]